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A unique chance to grow: apprenticeship in Lamberti

By Tommaso Inzaghi, communication intern

Our vision

Our vision

During June, we had the opportunity to host three students from secondary schools, which worked as apprentices inside our laboratories under the guidance of our expertise. As Lamberti, we sincerely believe in the impact of these kinds of initiatives which strengthen the link between the work world and the education one. An integrated system of work and education is surely a great option to shape and enrich the youngest people to promote their own professional growth and put solid bases for the future generations which will one day take over.

We'd like to think that our contribution can play a relevant role in the growth of the students who in their lives meet the Lamberti reality and we are sure that these experiences are a fundamental chance to grow also for us as a business.

The experience

Elena B. studies environmental biotechnology in ITIS Andrea Ponti, she worked with Mattia Ossola in the GLP Environmental Lab and feels satisfied with the opportunity to put on the field the knowledge and competencies she worked on during her school year, and she is proud to have learned how to use new laboratory instruments, procedures and type of analysis.

In the Coating Lab, specifically in the Binder Film Former Hard Substrates (BFF HS), our Domenico Vetri had the chance to host Lorenzo T. from Geymonat Secondary School. Lorenzo told us he is really happy about his experience, and he particularly liked the creation of the formulations and the study for determining the correct amount of co-solvent to add to create it.

A common thread among our feedback was the satisfaction of learning how to approach the work world, as highlighted by Mattia Z, who spent his time in Lamberti with Maurizio Gallucci in the digital printing laboratory. From Geymonat Secondary School, Mattia also told us about his experience; it was a great chance to continue his personal growth.